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Aldi offers a Blind Booking Ticket at Kooperation mit Eurowings. Do you like it when the Angebot has a problem?

Hamm – Das Konzept des Blind Bookings is a journey: a journey with a ticket, knowing the soul. This model has engraved the Fluggesellschaft Eurowings non in Cooperation with the Discounter Aldi Süd. For 79.99 Euro you can buy a Hin- and Rückflugtickets, if your travel spirit only starts after the booking, this can be done. The promotion started on 29. Dezember and a Vielzahl and a European Souls.

Eurowings-Tickets get your price at Aldi – Abenteuer or Kostenfalle?

Das Angebot umfasst Fluge von sechs Abflughäfen in Deutschland: Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Cologne-Bonn, Prague and Stuttgart. Insgesamt stehen 38 pogliche Ziele zur Auswahl, think of Städte wie Rom, Barcelona and Stockholm. If you were able to choose your soul, you would still receive the prize. A Mindestaufenthaltsdauer from 18 years ago was the Angebot for Geschäftsreisende unattractive power. You cannot enclose the flute or be erstattungsfähig.

Eurowings Airbus A319-132 landing at Cologne-Bonn Airport
Aldi Süd and Eurowings offer a new Blind-Booking-Konzept. © Jochen Tack/Imago

If you buy a rental boat directly from Eurowings, you will have to pay a price from 88 euros if the Aldi-Angebot is offered. But other Billigfluglinien who Ryanair, now visit Münster/Osnabrück after London flightoften you don’t have tickets for a price of 16 euros. With the Deutsche Bahn you offer an attractive price for ICE tickets, which is very friendly.

Blind-Booking-Ticket from Eurowings at Aldi can become faster

For a spontaneous trip, it is a cost-effective trip, new or no longer. If you stay overnight: Zusatz costs for storage and seat reservations can take up the price in the high treiben. The seizure process is completely a small bag with the maßen 40x30x25 zetimeter. Additional packages or services reserved at the seat are cost effective. There is a lot of criticism of the Angebot’s initiative when it comes to transportation convenience. Werner Kindsmüller of the initiative goes Fluglärm bezeichnet das Angebot in der Rheinische Post as ‘perverse’.

Eurowings-Angebot at Aldi: A price-preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis?

The blind booking site of Aldi and Eurowings can be attractive for a very attractive trip, which is flexible and is also one of the best ways to travel. Take advantage of the expense and inconvenience you will experience when you have a clear night. For a great trip or a good trip, other options may make the Bahn better. Letztlich depends on the considerations of the individual priorities and the Bereitschaft ab, sich auf das Abenteuer einzulassen.

At the Veröffentlichung des Flugplans von Eurowings would have made it clear to someone else that a credible disease has disappeared at Dortmund Airport.

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